I’M phil

Photo taken by my daughter (Age 10)
In 2007 my website page talked about adventure and travel as part of my photography style. I remember raving about my musical influences and travel experiences that gave me my photography edge. Now I’m very happy to say it’s about being a family that inspires my photography style.

I’m learning more each day as I witness my children grow. More importantly, I’ve learned how Patricia and I love and re-love each other in ways our marriage vows couldn’t foresee. We’re over 15 years married and when I witness couples getting married I have a good “spidey sense” on what is their family relationship dynamic based on my connection with Patricia and the kids and our families. It sounds cheesy but I photograph couples and family like how I would photograph my own.

I thought about being a wedding photographer back in 1998, no joke. It was the year of the Wedding Singer with Adam Sandler (great film). The year I was obsessed with Jamiroquai but always had “Never ever” by the All Saints stuck in my head. The year my lecturer in my Photography Degree course said “There’s not many jobs in photography, most of you will become wedding photographers in Ireland”.
I SCOFFED and here I am today.
Back then, I thought I’d be photographing the next Che Guevara. Following a band of revolutionaries in the pursuit of a better society. Instead I’m happily following couples as they hug and kiss and dance the party away. I definitely made the right choice and I’m thriving in the creative freedom of today’s Irish wedding photographers and I count my blessings that couples hire me for what I love to do best! Do I still dream of supporting the good fight? Let’s just say I feel triumphant when my kids go to bed on time.
Growing Family

Patricia and myself have two kids and…
…they are the CENTRE of our UNIVERSE and as universes go it’s one that is spiralling out of control and ever expanding.
The comedian Dylan Moran once said “Children are small drunks, they greet you in the morning by kneeing you in the face and talking gibberish. They can’t even walk straight!”
Mine certainly live up to Dylan’s insightful words. Life is busy in our household but what they give us back in love keeps us spiralling out of control in a much more enjoyable way.
We are also now chicken nugget connoisseurs and masters of hiding vegetables in kids’ meals.

My lil’ tribe
I’m lucky. I have a pretty good life/work balance. That’s always been important to me. There’s lots of family trips. We love camping and hanging out with friends. The simple life appeals to us a lot. Any chance we can hang out in nature does wonders for our lives. It’s not always plain sailing though. We still struggle with everything that comes with being a family.
And like most families we learn to change, re-prioritise and re-sync our steps we take together. This in turn has influenced my working commitments. My family has built inside me a stronger empathy towards my working relationships. I take my clients’ expectations, their services and products to heart knowing their family is at the core of their time.