Moyvalley Wedding Photographer
Outdoor Floral Ceremony at Balyna House Moyvalley

I can’t say enough good things about being a Moyvalley wedding photographer. From the moment you drive through the venue gates, the long road careens through the grassy plains and I always have to turn the radio down as I get distracted by the golf course. It’s a fantastic course with lots of long open fairways. I’ve lost about 100 balls on the course and I’ve only played a couple of times 🙂 . Luckily I’m much better as a wedding photographer.
Grainne and Dan weren’t here to play golf though and they had booked the elegant Balyna House for their outdoor ceremony which despite the weather forecasts of rain held off long enough for a good portion of the day. When I spoke to Grainne a few days before the wedding. She was a tad bit distressed about the wedding as part of her dress still needed to be altered. I remember knocking on the door thinking there could be a bride on the opposite end that wasn’t happy with her dress. We all know how important the dress is on the day so I was praying it all worked out. Thankfully, with the help of family they had superbly tailored it themselves and when I saw the vintage style dress I understood just how much work went into the garment. Balyna House has amazing rooms for getting ready with high ceilings and beautiful window light which adds to the great vibe to the prep photos. I went a bit crazy with the mirrors as I kept catching reflected moments between Grainne and her family during the make up and hair. My favourite photo was when cotton buds were being used to catch Grainne’s happy tears.

Dan was across the hall getting ready with his brother and best mate. Like Grainne and her sister, these guys rocked their outfits and were just chilled that morning. Again when speaking to Grainne on the phone she said that Dan didn’t want many posed wedding photos, so I just photographed him as he did his thing. When they were both ready, Dan knocked on her door to have a moment with Grainne without actually seeing her. Using the door as a partition but knowing the one you love was just behind the door was deeply moving.
Orla the wedding co-ordinator was as relaxed as always, a true pro, she keeps the day ticking along without any stress whatsoever. I really enjoy working with the staff at Moyvalley Hotel. The wedding ceremony was to be held outdoors despite rain supposedly not too far away. I’ve seen other venues panic at the thought of rain and an outdoor ceremony but not Moyvalley. They took it in their stride. Guests congregated in Balyna House and was led outside to the gardens before Grainne made her grand entrance. Emotions were high and there wasn’t a dry eye as she walked down the red carpet to greet Dan. I was thrilled they got the weather, it lasted throughout the reception too and only started to sprinkle towards the end of the speeches before the meal.